Furniture Paradise Bar + seated

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Furniture Paradise Bar + seated

Furniture Paradise Bar + seated

Bar art including the Assizes (high stools) 4 large Bay Windows back-lit bubble (with colour change) Design elegant steel with wood and acrylic. Ideal to accommodate participants Bar art including the Assizes (high stools) 4 large Bay Windows back-lit bubble (with colour change) Design elegant steel with wood and acrylic. Ideal to accommodate the participants. To get your custom quote, click


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Our benefits

-Travel costs materials and animation on the place of the event team

-The installation/uninstallation of the material to the desired location

-Equipment rental and assistance for the duration of the event

-The presence of a facilitator who will have the role to guide participants

-The availability of single use cannula or inhalers helmets at all the participants

-Consumables (natural flavours, organic essential oils, many fragrances available)

-The issuance of oxygen in «non stop» and «unlimited» for the duration of the event all participants wishing to test oxygen bars

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